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Jobs in Human Resources

Human resource departments are playing an increasingly important role at companies today. Federal labor laws and regulations, in addition to more complicated benefit and compensation packages are just a few of the many reasons human resources are becoming a vital department in most companies.

Knowledgeable and skillful human resource personnel can save a company a lot of money and prevent lawsuits.

Jobs in human resources fall into one of three primary categories: recruiting and retention, compensation and benefits, and federal and regulatory compliance.

Not all companies break their HR departments into separate branches, and smaller companies may employ a few people who are expected to be knowledgeable of all of these categories.

The main goals of most human resources departments is to hire the best people the company can afford and retain them, as well as ensuring that compensation and benefits are competitive and all federal hiring practices are being followed. Jobs in this field are all about people, and employees should enjoy working with people.

The working environment is good, with employees working in comfortable offices and most being able to achieve a 40-hour work week. Travel is not usually necessary, except for executives who may travel to conferences or other industry events. If you are a person who enjoys working with people and like bringing out the best in them, this may be the best career choice for you.

Here is a list of some of the most prevalent jobs in human resources:

  • Benefits administrator
  • Benefits representative
  • Compliance analyst
  • Compliance coordinator
  • Compliance manager
  • Compliance officer
  • Employee relations
  • Human resources assistant
  • Human resources benefits specialists
  • Human resources compensation representative
  • Human resources compliance specialist
  • Human resources coordinator
  • Human resources customer service representative
  • Human resources director
  • Human resources generalist
  • Human resources manager
  • Human resources recruitment coordinator
  • Human resources supervisor
  • Labor relations manager
  • Sourcing specialist

On this page JobSites411 gives you some basic information about obtaining a job in human resources. We’ll take a look at the future job market, the salary ranges of the leading positions in the field, and the education and training required to land a human resources position.

Employment Outlook

If human resources is a field you are very interested in, there’s some good news and some bad news.

If you are looking to become a human resources assistant or obtain a lower level position in the field, you may find it difficult. This is one of the few categories that will lose jobs in the next eight years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Bureau says the number of human resources clerical jobs will decrease by 7% by 2025 due to automation of some functions, and electronic and online means of recordkeeping.

On the other hand, higher level or specialized human resources positions such as directors, managers, labor relations managers and coordinators, etc. will be in much greater demand. The Bureau says the number of these jobs will increase by 18% by 2025.

Salary Outlook

Human resources managers, directors, and higher level employees earn above average salaries, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which says the median annual salary for these jobs is $89,860 salary, which could be much higher or lower than the average.

The Bureau says the median salary for entry or lower level employees is approximately $38,000, although the potential to earn much more is definitely there. For example, in the mid-west, human resources assistants can earn more than $48,000 per year.

Education and Training Requirements

A bachelor’s degree in human resource management, human resource administration, business, or a related field is usually a minimum requirement for most companies these days. For some higher level and management positions, a master’s degree in labor relations, human resources administration, or business administration is also required.

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